Write to us and we'll contact you in 24 hours.
General information
e-mail: info@pwf.lv
phone: +353868240488 (Ireland); +31638344961 (Netherlands); +393471050396 (Italy)
Peter O`Donnell
Project Manager
Address: Ireland - Dalgan House, The Butterslip, Kilkenny R95T3VX
M: +353 868 240 488
Tel. +353 056 775 2632
Ivo Jankovskis
Project Manager
Address: Netherlands - Diepenhorstlaan2, 2288 EW Rijswijk
Tel. +31638344961
Ugis Pavasars
Project Manager
Address: Italy
Tel. +39 347 1050396
Visit us
Headquarters in Latvia: "Pavasars", Rauna municipality, Smiltene district, LV-4131; Representation in Ireland: The Butterslip, Kilkenny; Representation in Netherlands: Diepenhorstlaan2, 2288 EW Rijswijk